AirTouch Blonding Technique
You may be wondering, what is AirTouch? You are not alone, AirTouch has taken the blonding industry by storm. Just as highlights create beautiful dimension and balayage creates a lived in blend, AirTouch utilizes the power of air to create a beautiful seamless blend that will leave you in amazement.
Unlike traditional balayage and highlighting that use weaving, teasing and backcombing to create a blend, AirTouch uses air. Your stylist will utilize the power of the blow-dry on a safe setting to blow all of the baby hairs, that are typically teased, out.
Doing this will allow your stylist to lighten as far up as desired, while having these baby hairs blur out any line of demarcation, offering a seamless grow out and low maintenance routine.
Because this technique focuses on removing all shorter, more fragile hairs it will minimize any possible damage and is a perfect option for anyone with sensitive hair. This offers a much more comfortable experience since there is no teasing to be brushed out.
AirTouch will provide a seamless blend and a very low maintenance routine. Most guests will only need to retouch once every 6 months to a year.
The retouch for this technique is by far the best part. Instead of your stylist having to weave through to try and pick up only what was lightened in the past, as well as trying to avoid overlapping, they are able to use the blow dryer in a safe setting, and blow all the more fragile hairs away and see exactly what was lightened the past. This saves both time and stress to the hair.
Whether you are looking to add a little life back into your color, or create a huge impact, AirTouch is here for you!